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Announcing native npm support on Deno Deploy

Deno Deploy makes it easy build and host any JavaScript app,function, or API server. Programming is faster and easier with Deno’s simple androbust APIs —web standard APIs,Node.js built-ins, and essential cloud servicesturned into first class JavaScript APIs, such as Deno KV(now in open beta). Your applications are run close toyour users across 35 regions in the world, ensuring minimal latency and highavailability.

Today, we’re excited to announce that Deno Deploy now natively supportsrunning npm modules via npm: specifiers. This means you can now host Node.jsapps at the edge using the npm modules, all without the need for build steps.

Here’s an example of running an Express app on Deno Deploy:

// Import express and instantiate itimport express from "npm:express@4";const app = express();// Register a routeapp.get("/", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello World!");});// Run the server!app.listen(3000);

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Deno Deploy is the first isolate based serverless platform to natively supportNode.js built-ins and npm modules. This opens the door to a whole new world ofpossibilities for JavaScript developers — now even your Node.js apps can behosted globally with minimal latency, high availability, andinstant deploys.

Importing and using over 2 million npm modules integrates seamlessly with therest of Deno:first-class TypeScript support,built-in tooling like theformatter, linter, and test runner, andthe Deno Language Serverthat provides a rich editor experience in your IDE.

No bundle step needed

NPM and Node support in Deno is native — there is no transpilation, bundle step,or polyfill injection taking place. Deno Deploynatively understands Node.js APIs,and intrinsically knows how to load and execute NPM modules.

This has two main benefits for you: better developer experience and bettercompatibility.

We pride ourselves on Deno Deploy’s short feedback loop and instant deploys.This extends to npm support as well. You can develop locally using npm:specifiers and deploy to Deno Deploy via our seamless GitHub integration, goingfrom git push to a live site in mere seconds.

Because we don’t transpile, bundle, and polyfill your code or any npm modulesyou import, there are no steps like these to introduce issues. This means thatcode that works locally will work on Deno Deploy, and vice versa.

Since there’s no bundling or source mapping, if anything does go wrong,your Deno Deploy stack traces and logs showfile names and line numbers that match up with what you see locally — no moredigging through unintelligible minified and bundled code.

Examples and use cases

Here are a few examples of what you can build with npm packages on Deno Deploy.


Fastify is a popular solution for building API serversand web applications in Node.js. With npm specifier support on Deno Deploy, it’snow usable in your web apps running on the edge as well.

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// Import the framework and instantiate itimport Fastify from "npm:fastify@4";const fastify = Fastify();// Declare a routefastify.get("/", async function handler(request, reply) { return "Hello World!";});// Run the server!await fastify.listen({ hostname: "localhost", port: 3000 });Deno.serve + OpenAI

NPM support is not limited to web frameworks. You can use it to power up anyexisting Deno app by importing packages from NPM. For example, you can use theOpenAI SDK to enhance your applicationwith state-of-the-art AI completions.

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import OpenAI from "npm:openai@4";const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: Deno.env.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") });Deno.serve(async (req: Request) => { const completion = await openai.chat.completions.create({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",messages: [{ role: "user", content: "Tell me a programmer joke" }], }); const joke = completion.choices[0].message.content; return new Response(joke);});Crypto APIs

Encryption and decryption is one of that most popular categories of modules onnpm. Here’s an example using crypto-js, one of thetop packages on npm.

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import CryptoJS from "npm:crypto-js@4";Deno.serve((_req: Request) => { // Encrypt const ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("my message", "secret key 123").toString(); // Decrypt const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(ciphertext, "secret key 123"); const originalText = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); return new Response(originalText);});Compatibility

Deno Deploy supports all 47 of Node.js built-in modules, such as fs, path,and http. You can import them directly via node: specifier, just like inNode.js.

Any npm package relying on these APIs will work on Deno Deploy. For example, theaws-sdk package, which uses http internally, just works:

Try it yourself in a Playground →

/** @jsx jsx *//** @jsxFrag Fragment */import { Hono } from "https://deno.land/x/hono@v3.5.8/mod.ts";import { Fragment, jsx } from "https://deno.land/x/hono@v3.5.8/middleware.ts";import { DynamoDBClient } from "npm:@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb@3";import { DynamoDBDocumentClient, ExecuteStatementCommand,} from "npm:@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb";import { fromEnv } from "npm:@aws-sdk/credential-providers@3";// Init DynamoDB clientconst client = new DynamoDBClient({ region: "us-east-2", credentials: fromEnv(),});const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client);// Init Hono appconst app = new Hono();// List TODOsapp.get("/", async (c) => { const command = new ExecuteStatementCommand({Statement: "SELECT * FROM Todos WHERE complete = ?",Parameters: [false],ConsistentRead: true, }); const response = await docClient.send(command); console.log(response); return c.html( TODOsAdd Item {response.Items.map((item) => { return ( {item.text} );})} , );});// Add a TODO itemapp.post("/", async (c) => { const body = await c.req.parseBody(); const command = new ExecuteStatementCommand({Statement: `INSERT INTO Todos value {'text':?, 'complete':?}`,Parameters: [body.text, false], }); try {const response = await docClient.send(command);console.log(response); } catch (e) {console.error(e); } return c.redirect("/");});Deno.serve(app.fetch);

While our Node.js compatibility is very good at this point, there are still someNode.js APIs that are not supported, or are not yet entirely compatible with theNode.js implementation.

There are also some npm packages that will not work on Deno Deploy. Any packagesrelying on NodeAPI (the native plugin layer for Node), will not work with aserverless system like Deno Deploy due to sandboxing restrictions. The samesecurity sandbox also prevents some Node.js APIs from working, such aschild_process and vm.

If you run into any issues using a specific npm module on Deno Deploy,please open an issue here.

What’s next

With npm support and Deno KV in open beta, your JavaScriptapp can access over two million modules and unlock more functionality, provide aproductive and intuitive development experience (like connecting to a globallydistributed database in a single line of code), and offer a fast globaldeployment process that hooks right into your git workflow. All that whileoffering your end users minimal latency and high availability.

We’re working hard to add important useful features to further simplifiybuilding and hosting complex, production-ready apps. We have many excitingannouncements coming up, so stay tuned!

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